Interactive Australia 2009 report details Aussie gaming habits

With the Bond University report, The Interactive Australia 2009 due to be published tomorrow some interesting figures have been revealed ahead of its release. According to the report which sampled some 1614 households around the country the average ag...


With the Bond University report, The Interactive Australia 2009 due to be published tomorrow some interesting figures have been revealed ahead of its release. According to the report which sampled some 1614 households around the country the average age of gamers is now 30 with 68 percent of Australia regular players of video games. “”Last year the average age of gamers was 28 and by 2014 the average age will equal the average age of non-gamers at about 40,””says author of the report Dr Jeffery Brand.

Dr Brand has also said that families are playing together more with 70 percent of parents playing video games and 80% of those parents playing with their kids. And forget pogs as video games are played by 95% percent of kids between six and ten.

Average age of gamers is 30 and we dont have an R Rating? Ha.

Source: Nintendo

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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