Its beginning, the launch is coming soon and stores (specifically EB) are stepping up there pre-order promotions for Wii. Our source tells us that both the Wii and PS3 in store promotions will be slowly phased in all EB stores as off tomorrow. Also bo...
This restructuring of the store will also trigger other movements in all EB stores which will see the PSP section shrink and the DS/GBA to expand and move to the front of the store. No longer will you have to fight you way (and yes fight, EB your stores are too packed) to the back of the store for your DS and GBA needs. This move is obviously prompted by the success the DS is having here down under, the DS is finally getting what it deserves.
Sadly however this means if your Gamecube section is not already at the back of the store, it soon will be with “”minimal”” space being giving to our purple friend, the Xbox will also see less space as it is slowly moved out making way for the 360.
Of course this is only EB so far, but expect other stores to join EB and Target with Wii promotions.
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well