Impressions: amiibo End Level Display – 8-Bit amiibo Stylin

A novel way to display some amiibo.


So currently I have a problem, I have too many amiibo and not shelf space to store them. I’m guessing many of you also have this problem. Today’s stand won’t solve yours or my amiibo storage problems but it will at least make displaying up to six amiibo look really awesome.

The amiibo End Level Display might have the most nondescript name ever, but just take one look at the box and you’ll know what you’re in for. The stand features six spots for your amiibo atop the stairs before the flag from Super Mario Bros, you can even move the flag up and down. The stand is fully configurable you can move the blocks around into any other shape you like within the base.



Standing at 38cm tall and 45 and a half centimetres long you’ll need a big shelf to store this monument the 1980s. Construction is simple, and the flag just slots in as well – there really isn’t too much to it all. The overall weight of it is quite low because its all hollow which does mean the blocks can jiggle around – if you’re going to be moving it a lot I’d probably recommend some super glue to lock it all in place.


The six slots for amiibo take most of the figures. Some of them – the more larger ones really only fit up the top of the stand as they won’t fit on with blocks right next to them. Charizard (pictured) would really only fit up the top, some other amiibo fit but have to be pointed certain ways. If you’re after authenticity though most of the Mario series amiibo fit fine, Bowser the pudgy bugger though will have to be on the top.

The amiibo End Level Display won’t solve all your amiibo display problems, but it does make a pretty snazzy centrepiece thats authentic and well constructed. At around $50AU its fairly cheap as well considering its size, it’s really quite big.

The amiibo End Level Display is distributed in Australia by Bluemouth Interactive and is available right now from EB Games online and instore as well as Target.

A hardware sample was provided by Bluemouth Interactive for this review. 

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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