History rewritten with new Iwata Asks 25th Anniversary edition
Think you know the history about Mario? Think again
A brand new and very interesting Iwata Asks feature has gone up on Nintendos website. Iwatas interviewees this time are Masayuki Uemura, Advisor to the Research & Engineering department and Hiroshi Imanishi, Ex Director and General Manager, Corporate Communications Division – two guys who have/had been there since the the 8-Bit era.
So why is this edition of the feature so good? Well perhaps because its all about Mario, the pudgy plumber we all know and love.
Well perhaps you know he was called Jumpman before he became Mario, perhaps you know him as Mr Video as well. But forget all that because according to this feature Mario was originally named Ossan. Which means a middle ages man. This name was the name given to Mario internally before even Mr. Video.
There is also a fair amount of information about how Nintendo struggled early with the Famicom (NES) and Nintendos original plans were to be that only Nintendo developed games could be played on the console. Check out the great feature here.