Has-Been Heroes is delayed one week in Australia
The EB Games exclusive, Has-Been Heroes…. has been pushed back a week in Australia for all systems. The game will now release on April 4th on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
We’ve reached out to EB to see if there’s any particular reason for the delay. The game still has a release date of March 29th on the Switch eShop, whether or not that will change later this week when the eShop updates remains to be seen.
The other EB Games published game due out soon, Deformers has also been delayed again with no explanation.
Source: Press-Start
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Was actually really looking forward to getting this! Shame it comes out just as my Holiday ends..
Me too. Just found out when I went to pay it off, really late notice. Probably something to do with SJWs or the the Alt-right. As far as I can tell they’re the people making all my fun less fun lately.