Eighteen years of Simpsons-joke infused Nintendo coverage.
So it’s come to this; 18 years of my life, and many years of other people’s lives, devoted to running this website. It’s pretty crazy.
Last year we were so busy I didn’t bother writing up a birthday post — the Switch was accelerating and I just didn’t get a minute to even bother — but it’s 18 years now so it deserves some words. So what to write? Talk about the past, talk about the future? I’m not even sure, I didn’t even remember this was coming up until the other week.
Turning 18 is a huge thing for a person, but what about for a site? The site, of course, has adapted and changed over the years; we’ve had forums, we’ve got social media, we got mobile support, video, and streaming — if albeit a little slower than some other sites. But like anyone growing up, we’ve done it the best we could — and I think the team and myself do an alright job. Because of the success of the Switch we’ve had to change tack a bit this year, we’ve dropped how much we output to bring you better and more specialised content you can’t get just anywhere.
Personally, I didn’t think I’d still be here, 18 years later doing this. The site has survived despite some challenging times — it’s survived high school, tertiary education, getting a job, changing jobs, planning a wedding, getting married and who knows what else is next?
The reason we all do this website is that we want the best for our readers. You’ve supported us, we support you — it’s a great thing really. Vooks started because no-one in Australia was covering Nintendo with any respect or with any quality; we think at least in the last 18 years we’ve helped raise that bar — if nothing else.
Thank you for reading, watching and being a part of this community.
Vook and the entire team.
PS. Oh, that logo you see above, just a small ‘retro’ styled logo to wear for a couple of weeks. It’s got the new typeface and a modern version of the classic logo around it. Maybe we should stick it on some gear?
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From Mario to Zelda, to Splatoon to Donkey Kong. Everything on Nintendo Music.