The now yearly import fest continued next month with two titles now confirmed Thanks to Hudson we now know that a Hanabi festival is on the way. What’s a Hanabi Festival? Well it’s when Nintendo release a bunch of games on the European and...
Thanks to Hudson we now know that a Hanabi festival is on the way. What’s a Hanabi Festival? Well it’s when Nintendo release a bunch of games on the European and Australian Virtual Console that have never been released in either region before.
On Hudson’s site they currently list Bomberman 94 and Detana!! Twinbee for July with the Hanabi symbol to the left. But two games does not make a festival so what else could be on the way?
The following games have a OFLC or PEGI rating and haven’t been released in Australia and or Europe.
– Smash Ping Pong (NES)
– Zodas Revenge: StarTropics II (NES)
– Kirbys Dream Land 3 (SNES)
– Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen (SNES)
– MUSHA (Mega Drive)
– Pulseman (Mega Drive)
– Shanghai II: Dragons Eye (Mega Drive)
We eagerly await Nintendo’s official announcement.
Source: NintendoLife
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