Halo 3 unsurprisingly tops the Weekly Aussie Charts (Sept 30th)
This weeks Highlights: Surprise Surprise guess what game is number one for the last wee? Halo 3? You guessed right! Super Paper Mario sticks in there and as predicted Heavenly Sword drops to 10 with the smaller PS3 user base unable to prop it up. The most interesting thing is the hardware though, according to Screenplay – the week before Halo 3 was released, figures show that 3894 Xbox 360 consoles were sold. However for the week of Halo that number rose 55% a small increase for hardware considering 70,000 units of the game where sold. Full Chart Listing Inside
Overall Top Ten:
Nintendo Wii Top Ten:
Nintendo DS Top Ten:
GBA Top Ten:
Chart data is provided by the GFK Group
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