NG:DEV.TEAM want their shooters to fire up on Nintendo consoles.
The NG:DEV.TEAM are bringing their Gunlord title to the Wii U and the 3DS. If you’ve never heard of NG:DEV.TEAM, they have a great love for the classic 2D shooters that used to be common place on the Neo Geo. They love it so much that since 2006 they’ve been releasing their games on the Neo Geo and the Dreamcast, yes – the Dreamcast.
The team have launched a Indiegogo campaign to try and get their game onto the 3DS and Wii U. The funds will be used to buy development kits for the two consoles and for the hiring of new graphics artists. The game will be released on the eShop.
Both the Wii U and 3DS versions will have their controls tweaked and the aspect ratio of the game will be changed on each console. The 3DS version will naturally feature 3D graphics while the Wii U version will have Off-TV Play supported.
Unlike Kickstarter, Ingiegogo campaigns will get whatever money is donated, it doesn’t have to pass a set goal.
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well
To be called Rockstar Australia.