You’ll need to have completed the game however.
Mystery gift is taking on a whole new form in Pokemon Sun and Moon, it’s the ever popular and modern technology of QR Codes! Beats going into a store and getting a code from EB Games I guess.
To nab Magearna you’ll have to watch Pokémon The Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel on Pokemon TV and grab the QR code from the end of the movie, or just scan it from our screen grab below. You’ll to have completed the main adventure to unlock the QR Scanner, here’s the rest of the instructions.
- Complete the main story
- Choose the QR Scanner function
- Line up the QR code for Magearna while pressing the R Button
- Visit the deliveryman in the Antiquities of the Ages shop in Hau’oli City to get Magearna
- Be sure to save your game!
Police say crime syndicate has been broken up.