Genyo Takeda isn’t the most prolific Nintendo personality, but the’s been the man behind many of Nintendo’s console hardware teams, controllers and games.Takeda will receive a Lifetime Achievement award at the DICE Awards later this month, the DICE awards are hosted by the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences. The award has previously gone to the likes of Satoru Iwata and the creator of the PlayStation, Ken Kutaragi.
Punch-Out!! and StarTropics were some of the first games that Takeda worked on but after that, he moved onto console hardware development. The Nintendo 64, GameCube, Wii and Wii U are among him and his team’s creations.
He’s also responsible for the battery backup in the original Zelda games and the Nintendo 64’s analogue controls. He and Shigeru Miyamoto also took charge of Nintendo when Satoru Iwata passed away in 2015.
Takeda retired last year but remains at the company as a Special Corporate Adviser.
A well-deserved award we think!
Source: Kotaku
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