Gameboy Micro Japanese Release Date

Nintendo of Japan have announced that there hot new portable, the Game Boy Micro will be unleashed in Japan starting September 13th. The Game Boy Micro will ship with a selection of cool face plates, and 3 Game Boy Advance titles will ship alongside i...


Nintendo of Japan have announced that there hot new portable, the Game Boy Micro will be unleashed in Japan starting September 13th. The Game Boy Micro will ship with a selection of cool face plates, and 3 Game Boy Advance titles will ship alongside it.

Read the Full Story for more Information

In a smart move by Nintendo, the Game Boy Micro will ship September 13th. And for you people not in the know, thats a sneaky 2 days before the launch of the Ceramic White PSP (Playstation Portable). That’s our Nintendo!

Beside the sneaky move, the GBM will ship with 3 GBA titles, starting with Camelot’s Mario Tennis Advance, a 20th Anniversary version of Super Mario Bros. and finnaly a double pack – featuring Puzzle de Pon R and Dr.Mario.

The exact pricing of the unit has not been confirmed yet, but it has been revealed that the GBM is the ‘cheapest to produce’ and will sell at a price in between the Game Boy Advance SP and the Nintendo DS. Obviousely price cuts will follow.

The exact date and launch games for either US or Europe have not been revealed yet. But Nintendo of Spain is saying that the GBM will ship alongside with Play-Yan,

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic

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