Fractured Soul out this Thursday, cheaper in Australia

End Game Studios helping out fellow Aussies.


The light is at the end of the tunnel is here for the Aussie developed 3DS eShop title Fractured Soul. After long last the game will be out this Thursday in Australia and Europe, the game has previously been released all the way back in September in the US.  If you think that’s long, the game has been in development for much, much longer.

But the release date isn’t the real news, the pricing is. In a ‘stand against exorbitant Aussie game prices’, developers Endgame have priced the game cheaper here in Australia and in Europe where the game will go on sale for $9.99AUD and 7.99 Euro.

Endgame say in a statement on their site that “Sure, it’s just one indie game. It probably won’t change the world. But at least it’s proof – proof to gamers here in Australia that high game prices are unnecessary and unacceptable.”

It’s a start! Look for our review of Fractured Soul soon.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic