First possible look at Super Smash Bros 3DS single player

It's no Subspace Emissary remember.


Super Smash Bros series director Masahiro Sakurai has shown off what could be the first look at the single player component of the upcoming Super Smash Bros. The 3DS version at least anyway.

In the Miiverse community for the series Sakurai posted along with the screenshot a cryptic tease.

“Where am I……?”

“To be clear, the new Super Smash Bros. games do not feature a story more like The Subspace Emissary.”

It’s presumed, whatever is shown below the single player component. Sakurai has previously said there won’t be a cinematic style story in the new games as most people go and watch them on the internet anyway.

The screenshot is different we’ll give that, what do you hope to get out of any single player modes in Super Smash Bros?

Source: Miiverse

Daniel Vuckovic

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Daniel Vuckovic

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