Fire Emblem is getting its own expo in Japan
Intelligent Systems, the studio behind Advance Wars, Paper Mario and of course Fire Emblem have announced that Japan is getting a special expo for Fire Emblem.
So far, all that has been confirmed is the date, May 4th 2019, and that’s it. The official website, does talk up a TCG, (Trading Card Game) event happening on December 15th, so it is possible we will see something more for that at the event.
2019年5月4日(土)開催のイベント、「ファイアーエムブレム EXPO」の特設サイトを公開しました。
— 『ファイアーエムブレム』総合 (@FireEmblemJP) November 30, 2018
Of course, given how little we know about Fire Emblem Three Houses, this event might be the perfect stage to showcase it, though given the games apparent release is in the window of March – May, it could be a little late for a detailed dive.
If you want to check out the official site, you can do that here, though there is very little there. Below is the trailer for Fire Emblem Three Houses from E3, the last time we saw anything on the game.