Fire Emblem and Shin-Megami Tensei Crossover title coming to Wii U

Atlus and Nintendo are teaming up!


This is one that came completely out of nowhere, Nintendo has announced that they’re working with Atlus on a Fire Emblem and Shin-Megami Tensei crossover RPG title. There’s no official name for the game and the short trailer that was shown was just a quick mash up of the two games.

The even better news is that since it was revealed in the Nintendo Direct episodes out of Japan we can expect to the see the game at some point in the future as well.

Satoru Iwata says that in the future Nintendo will be doing more collaborations like this in the future, but this is the only one they are announcing at this stage.

Alright then, who’s excited for this one?

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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