FIFA 14 on Nintendo systems is recycled from last year’s game

But at least they're being honest about it.


The latest iteration of FIFA hits stores this week, we know it’s not coming to the Wii U – this is EA we’re talking about. The game though is coming to the Wii and 3DS however, but you might have played it already.

Dubbed ‘Legacy Edition’, the game on 3DS, Wii and even the Vita are simply roster and player updates. The games are exactly as the same as they were the year before. There are no changes to the gameplay, game modes or how the game looks.

This isn’t the first time EA have done this to Nintendo owners, last year’s FIFA 13 on the Wii was exactly the same as FIFA 12. This means now EA has been recycling the same game now for three years.

But at least they’re being honest about it right?

So how much would you expect to pay for these Legacy Editions? Well they’re cheaper than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions, but still come in at $50.

If you think that’s worth $50, then buy FIFA 13 on the Wii, 3DS or Vita when they’re out this week.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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