Add another title to the list, Activision skipping over another Wii U title in Australia.
Another one bites the dust, Activision this morning has sent us a press release announcing the local release date for Fast & Furious: Showdown. The game is set to tie in with the upcoming Fast & Furious 6 movie.
However the press release, which is from the local Activision office completely skips over the fact that the game has been announced for the Wii U elsewhere in the world. This is now the forth Activision Wii U title that is not being released in Australia. The previous ones were 007 Legends and The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct and more recently The Amazing Spider-Man Ultimate Edition.
The strangest irony is that the game was leaked late last month as a Wii U title via a listing on the EB Games Australia website. The listing has since been removed.
Like all the games mentioned above, Fast and Furious Showdown may not be the best game ever – but its lack of release on the Wii U is troubling, looks like the Wii U still isn’t doing any better in Australia.
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