Exclusive: Nintendogs Promotion moves to SA!

If you saw our Story on Saturday of the Nintendogs & DS Promotion being done in WA, Did you feel left out? Well straight from our Source comes the news that the Nintendogs Promotion will be in SA, when you ask? well now! The Pods (Those Segway thingys...


If you saw our Story on Saturday of the Nintendogs & DS Promotion being done in WA, Did you feel left out? Well straight from our Source comes the news that the Nintendogs Promotion will be in SA, when you ask? well now! The Pods (Those Segway thingys) are in Westfield Tea Tree Plaza South Australia from 12pm-4pm Monday (18th) and Tuesday (19th)! Well Since I only got this info at 4:30SA time it is a bit late for you to be heading off there now, So check it out tomorrow!

By the sounds of it they are moving there way around Australia. And most probally and more then Certianly in Westfield Shopping Centres, as Nintendo and Westfield go back a long way.

Sorry aout the short notice on this One Folks! But I reported it as soon as I could, If you go Take some Photos.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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