Eurogamer has posted an very interesting interview with Jim Merrick from Nintendo of Europe. In it he reveals what he thinks Revolution download games should cost, Revolution's launch and what he thinks of Mark Rein from Epic Megagames suggested that ...
You can read the full interview on Eurogamer or continue to read extracts by reading our full story.
3rd Party downloads:
…Merrick tells us that a number of third parties have already committed to providing their back catalogue for download, but he won’t tell us their names
“”I think you can guess, though,”” he says. “”The usual suspects.””
Merrick continues: “”Will it be every game we ever published on any system? Probably not.””…Pricing of downloads:
…I think that for many mass market consumers, if it’s easy and relatively low cost – ‘Oh gosh, I remember that, I love the original Mario Bros, I grew up on that game, a couple of pounds (~$3.50) and boy I can download that'”” – that would be great.””…3rd party support for Revolution:
…””We haven’t announced specifically what will be shown when, but there are a lot of third parties working on games for Revolution. But they are third parties, so when they decide to show or when they decide to announce is their call.””…Hideo Kojima:
…But he is doing a Revolution game? “”To my knowledge, yes.””…Revolution’s launch:
…””We’re very serious about trying to be a more global company and not follow the stereotypical formula of Japan first, then the US, then Europe some time later,”” Merrick says. So does that mean the Revolution could be the first console to launch in Europe first?“”Anything’s possible. There are no rules that it must be Japan or US first.””…
AdvertisementMark Rein:
…Merrick appears to be unconcerned. “”Mark has a very narrow section of the business. Epic builds middleware, they’re very technically savvy guys, but he doesn’t have a Revolution controller, he doesn’t have a dev kit, he’s talking about something he knows nothing about.“”So if he’d like to get a dev kit and really dig into it, then I’d be interested to hear what he has to say.””…
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well