Our friends in Europe join in on the Mario festivities by offering several new goodies While the world is celebrating the 25 years of fun brought to us by Super Mario Bros., Nintendo of Europe has updated its Club Nintendo store with new wares to mark...
While the world is celebrating the 25 years of fun brought to us by Super Mario Bros., Nintendo of Europe has updated its Club Nintendo store with new wares to mark the ocassion. First up, and probably the most desired, is a SNES Classic Controller that plugs into your Wii Remote, perfect for those old-school Virtual Console games, but it costs a hefty 7000 Stars. For those who aren’t willing to blow so many Stars at once, maybe the golden Wii Wheel will suit your fancy (4000 Stars) or a "? Block" Sound Cube that makes familiar Mario sound effects when you hit it (2600 Stars).
So what about our store? We’ve got good news. All of these items will be available just in time for Mario’s 50th anniversary.
Source: Nintendo Life
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