The third installment in Atlus RPG series to set sail into the Japanese market Today, Atlus announced another incarnation of their dungeon crawling RPG series, Etrian Odyssey for the DS. Dubbed Sekaijyu no Meikyu 3: Hoshiumi no Raihousha or Etrian Ody...
Today, Atlus announced another incarnation of their dungeon crawling RPG series, Etrian Odyssey for the DS. Dubbed Sekaijyu no Meikyu 3: Hoshiumi no Raihousha or Etrian Odyssey 3: Visitors to the Sea of Stars in English, the game’s release is slated for March 4th 2010 in Japan.
Although the third title is only months away from release in Japan, Australia and Europe are yet to see the second installment of the series, Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard which is currently only available in Japanese and North American regions. There is no word as of yet if Atlus is planning a European/Australian release for Etrian Odyessy II, or are planning to skip the title altogether and proceed from the initial Etrian Odyssey to the newly announced Etrian Odyssey III
The third installment in the saga will take a different slant to it’s predecessors, this time taking on the theme of ocean exploration. Players will be able to plot their course through treacherous waters around a sunken island city of Amroad. Five new classes such as, Prince, Phalanx, Monk, Shinobi, and Pirate will be up for the choosing. There is also a local wireless multiplayer mode where up to five friends can play side-by-side.
Source: Cubed3
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