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Out of all the games from Nintendo’s past, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem is one of the most requested to be remade, re-released or given a sequel.
Now it appears something is on the way.
IGN has the scoop on a spiritual successor to the 2002 GameCube game titled ‘Shadow of the Eternals’. It will be coming to the Wii U and the PC, well as long as it gets funding.
The game is being crowd-sourced funded, but it won’t be on Kickstarter as the company behind the spiritual successor, Precusor Games is Canadian.
If you haven’t heard of Precursor Games before then don’t worry no one had until this weekend. Precursor Games an entire new company that will have Denis Dyack acting as the chief creative officer. Dyack was the former president of Eternal Darkness developer Silicon Knights.
The developers will be looking for $1.5 million in crowd funding to get the 12 part series off the ground. However it would appear some of the game is already under way as there is this teaser trailer that has been released.
A full trailer and more details will be released this week, but some have already leaked out. We’ll keep you updated on this one, it could get interesting.
Eternal Darkness fans, let us know what you think in the comments.
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