eGames Expo: Day One Report

What a difference one day can make. I initially went to this event without a single clue what to expect, both from the format of the newly created gaming event and what the Wii would actually deliver. For you see, this was the first time I have had th...


What a difference one day can make. I initially went to this event without a single clue what to expect, both from the format of the newly created gaming event and what the Wii would actually deliver. For you see, this was the first time I have had the privilege to lay my hands on the ever so sweet Wiimote.

To get a recap of the days events continue reading. Pictures of Day 1 will be posted tomorrow evening as well as hands on impressions of some of the best Nintendo games seen in decades. The day started with a few dramas. I was all set to go but since announcing I was going to Melbourne my dear Mother started to ponder if perhaps she wanted to head down to the Garden City for some pre-Christmas shopping. Eventually after much pondering we were both on our way to Melbourne, my car parked in a 3-hour zone that I feared would probably end up getting a ticket.

We arrived in Melbourne towards lunch and after initial fears of being unable to find the Melbourne Exhibition Centre we walked two blocks and were there. After a quick lunch and departing ways I was left all alone in a big city, thoughts of worry going through my head. Was I in the right building? Did Vook sign me up to get a Media pass? Did my butt look big in these jeans?

After passing through security I entered a small room where many fellow gamers awaited for the briefing that would give us an over view of the days events. The room was filled with Uni Students, CNet staff and a lot of other people I didnt talk too which was a consistent trait of mine throughout the day. We were then lead upstairs where food and drinks awaited. If Chrono had been there I’m sure he would have dived straight into it.

After the briefing we headed back downstairs to the show room floor where I would get my first taste of a Gaming expo. While not as massive as the annual Car expo earlier in the year, EGames was quite a modest size considering only Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft were the only “”known”” game developers there. PalGN had their own booth as did Australian Gamer of which I was wrongfully accused of abusing Matt… or was it Yug? Either way it wasn’t me guys.

The big showing of course was the Wii. More impressive was just how far Nintendo had gone to ensure that gamers were going to get the best hands on experience with the console prior to the December 7th launch. While I wont get into details about the games just yet, let me just say that as once a sceptic, then an optimistic, I am now of the converted. WII ROCKS. It is as cute as a button, comfortable to control and affordable to a mass market. While some games don’t quite work well with the new controller (Tony Hawk: Downhill Jam for example) others shine like they have never shined before (The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess).

In all there were 7 games on the show room floor. Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Excite Truck, Sonic, Tony Hawk: Downhill Jam and an Australian first, Red Steel. Of the four I’ve played so far, the controls in Twilight Princess have wowed me the most, while the simplicity of Wii Tennis has won me over to the new Nintendo console.

A few familiar faces turned up and some I had never seen before but recognised the site, which is always good news. Sharpie was there to show girls can play video games better than the boys, coming close to defeating the Tennis champion (me) at Wii Tennis. EXE355um and Pyro were also there to scour the show room floor.


In one location there is a singular Wii set up that allows you to stay on for as long as you can, that’s in you keep winning of course in Wii Tennis. At one stage myself, Sharpie, EXC355um and Pyro were just rotating through one another, clearly everyone else was intimidated by our elite skills. Kalum, Kat and Vispi were there to spread the Wii love and in a stunning twist of fates, Vispi burned EXC355um like there was no tomorrow. These are three top people that you must say hello to if you see them around and perhaps Vispi will be able to give you some pointers in Advance Wars.

As our legs grew tired and the day got older the show was coming to an end for the first day. Sharpie excitedly scored a picture with Vispi while EXC355um got wedged between Kalum and Vispi, a rare sight to behold. Heading off for a bite to eat, Chrono, the singing superstar of the New Super Mario Bros. tours popped up again and while I once again sat back in complete silence, everyone there shared some interesting stories, most completely unrelated to gaming so I will not repeat them here. We were also joined by a few members from Aussie-Nintendo, including Captain and we made an alarming discovery, we were all from Bendigo.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. More of the days events will be available tomorrow night in picture form, from Sharpie hula hooping to EXC355um impersonating the Terminator as well as two mascots stabbing each other with blunt sticks. Overall the day was a success both for the EGames organisers, my confidence in social interactions and gamers alike who were able to get their hands on the clear highlight of the show, the Wii.

December 7th could not come any sooner, but the wait will be worth it. See you tomorrow for the second days report and hands on impressions of the latest Nintendo console. Then on Sunday we go crazy with the Vookcast, discussing a heap of new DS games, EGames and the American launch now only 3 days away.

Sean Jones

Published by
Sean Jones

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