EB Games is now importing 3DS consoles from Europe and selling as ’pre-owned’ and robbing people of full warranties.
EB Games is now importing 3DS consoles from Europe and selling as ’pre-owned’ and robbing people of full warranties.
EB have been importing games for a while now and labelling them as ’preowned’. Now it appears they’re doing it with consoles as well. We received a picture today from an EB Games store that offers a ’Preowned Ice White 3DS Console + Mario 3DS Land’ for the low price of $130 when you trade in another 3DS console. Not too bad of a deal, EB does it all the time, but it’s the words ’preowned’ that sticks out here. How does EB Games have preowned Ice White 3DS’ when the colour hasn’t been released in Australia?
They don’t. The only country or terrority that has Ice White 3DS consoles is Japan and Europe and we don’t think they’d be selling Japanese consoles. No, we’ve been told they’re European units that have been imported by EB Games, they’re ’preowned’ because they have to be open to have the changer replaced and will be hitting EB store mid to late April for $248. Again not a bad deal, that is of course if you’re happy with what will most likely be a third party charger. The European system is essentially the same as the Australian one region wise so there will be no troubles there.
The big issue is, apart from the whole importing of console thing is that EB Games preowned consoles now only come with a 3 month warranty (this is a new policy our source tells us). So while you might be getting a ’rare’ Ice White 3DS, you’re throwing away 9 months of the traditional Nintendo warranty.
EB Games is well know for grey importing games on the side in order bring gamers games that haven’t been released in Australia such as Henry Hatsworth or Star Wars: The Old Republic and others . This is the first time we’ve seen it with console.
We’ve contacted Nintendo Australia for a comment and will follow up with EB Games as well.
Not ideal.
Finally, some preorder bonuses.
Nearly 1000 games discounted, a lot of them very good.
Sid's back, there's a beefy cat, a phantom hero, and a moon.