EB Games Australia offers new customer loyalty program, carrots

Carrots for everyone, only if you preorder trade and sell your soul EB Games has been teasing this new feature on their website for a few days now and today their website got a total makeover. However the new feature they’ve been teasing has y...


Carrots for everyone, only if you preorder trade and sell your soul

EB Games has been teasing this new feature on their website for a few days now and today their website got a total makeover. However the new feature they’ve been teasing has yet to be fully revealed, but thanks to some ingenuity we’ve discovered what it is. ’EB World’ is a new customer loyalty program to be launched by the retailer which will rewards customers for shopping in store, trading in games etc. and features a website compontent. There’s four levels of the service, but the basic gist of it is that is the more you preorder, buy, trade in and fill in your online library the more ’carrots’ you get. These carrots get you up higher and higher on their EB World ’levels’.

For example, the basic membership which requires no carrots gives you the same offers and services that you get from EB today, level up to the second tier and you get a higher preorder hold guarantee, bonus trade credit and a one time credit for gift card. The higher you go the more the values of these bonuses increase and on the 3rd and 4th tiers you can get some nice bonuses like BETA events, Birthday offers and other VIP Event Privileges.

If you subscribe to Game Informer you automatically go to Level 3 and essentially get the service for nothing, as you get a credit to spend in store as well as the actual magazine.

We’re not sure when this is officially launching, EB World is still being teased on the homepage and the page that is up for it looks unfinished, with no title tags or links to sign up as of yet. However with both the EB Managers Expo on and the EB Expo on this weekend, we imagine it will be really soon.

This is obviously a pretty neat attempt at getting people to spend money and trade-in games, but also to expand beyond the traditional confines of brick and mortar retail. We all know how that’s going as of late.

Eager to hear your thoughts on it!

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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