Notice: Spoilers below obviously (if you haven’t been spoiled already).
While officially the Japanese version of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS doesn’t go on sale tomorrow some sneaky people have managed to get their hands on the final copy early. Just not as early as the leak a couple of weeks back.
The people who have got the game early have begun streaming it over Twitch and revealing and confirming the games final line-up. Firstly, Wolf fans you worst horrors have been realised and he is dropped from the game and relegated to a support trophy. The good news is Ness (Earthbound), Falco (Star Fox), Jigglypuff, Mr Game and Watch, Dr Mario, Wario and Ganondorf are all confirmed to be returning. Newcomers who were in the leak including Dark Pit (Kid Icarus), Bowser Jr. and the Duck Hunt dog and bird have also been confirmed.
Several new stages including a F-Zero stage which takes place over the 16-bit version of the game the background have also been spotted.
This now closed thread on NeoGAF has an extensive list of everything that’s been spotted so far, which begs the question, doesn’t anyone want to find out anything for themselves anymore?
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well