EA Sports Active going multiplatform, Dead Space too?

Sports Active is leaving home, with rumours suggesting Dead Space Extraction is too It’s the time for financial reports and this one like many others before it contains juicy release information – sadly this time its more Wii games get...


Sports Active is leaving home, with rumours suggesting Dead Space Extraction is too

It’s the time for financial reports and this one like many others before it contains juicy release information – sadly this time its more Wii games get ported to other consoles. First up it’s the popular EA Sports Active which is getting a port to other platforms, how it’ll work without a Wii Remote is anyones guess but we trust in EA.

The other news is more a rumour that Dead Space Extraction, the great but poor selling prequel may be getting a release on Xbox Live Arcade and the PSN. News of that came from a survey that asked if people would be interested in a "full HD interactive horror experience" in "guided first-person". Yep, that’s Dead Space Extraction.

Whether or not the latter rumour comes true is another thing but it seems that EA is thinking about it.

Source: 1, 2

Daniel Vuckovic

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Daniel Vuckovic

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