E3 2019: Just Dance 2020 coming to Switch and Wii, but not Wii U



Ten years in, and Ubisoft is still supporting the Nintendo Wii. Pity about the Wii U though…

During Ubisoft’s E3 2019 press conference this morning, Ubsioft announced the latest game in the massively popular Just Dance series, titled — you guessed it — Just Dance 2020. Bet you weren’t expecting that one.

Just Dance 2020 is the 25th game (yes, really) in the Just Dance series, celebrating ten years of dancing goodness, and will release on the 5th of November on the Nintendo Switch and the Wii. Yup, the Wii. In 2019.

Sadly the Wii’s ill-fated younger brother, the Wii U, misses out, in what must be one of the only cases of a video game launching on a modern console and a console two generations behind, but not the console in between. Rest in peace Wii U, you’re dancing in the afterlife now.

You can watch the trailer below, featuring part one of the new game’s song list, which is said to feature 40 new songs, in addition to the 500+ offered through Just Dance Unlimited.

Oliver Brandt

Deputy Editor, sometimes-reviewer, and Oxford comma advocate. If something's published on Vooks, there's a good chance I looked over it first. I spend way too much on games and use way too many em dashes.