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We all knew it was coming and we all knew it was coming for the Wii U too, but Ubisoft have shown off some of the features both at Nintendo’s E3 press conference as well as on a brief trailer released shortly thereafter.
Played to what we can only assume is a confirmed track, Flo-Rida’s “Good Feeling”, Just Dance 4 for the Wii U will feature a Battle Mode which looks decked out like a fighting game, we spotted life bars in a two player battle royale in the trailer. Additionally, the game will continue it’s legacy and still allow up to four players play together at once, still a feature exclusive to the Just Dance franchise.
The two main stand-outs from the trailer though are what will make the Wii-U version really shine. Shown off at the conference itself, “Puppet Master” mode allows a fifth player to use the Wii-U Gamepad to take control of and decide which dance movevs up to four other players (with Wii Remotes) will carry out. On top of this, the puppet master can also choose when and for how long these moves need to be sustained. It seems like a cool and somewhat fun mode so we are interested to see how it turns out.
The other, less talked about feature, however, is the game’s “Stand-Alone Mode” which apparently allows users to take their Wii U Gamepad away from their TV and play the game somewhere else in another room with an unmentioned amount of players. While the trailer was understandably quite vague about this feature, it would be an amazing one at larger parties and such. We’re keen to see how it works in the near future.
Just Dance 4 will be released October 9th in America for the Nintendo Wii, but a more vague “Holiday 2012” date was given for the Wii U version. We’re hoping to get details soon, but we think it’s safe to say this will be a launch title.
Sid's back, there's a beefy cat, a phantom hero, and a moon.
Magnets, always with the magnets.