A whole trailer without CG, but all gameplay. Whats the world coming too? At Nintendos E3 conference early this morning, Nintendo showed off a new trailer of Metroid Other M. The game developed by Nintendo and Team Ninja is now confirmed for an Augus...
At Nintendos E3 conference early this morning, Nintendo showed off a new trailer of Metroid Other M. The game developed by Nintendo and Team Ninja is now confirmed for an August 31st release date in the United States. The graphics seem to have a higher level of polish since we last saw it which is always good.
Metroid Franchises Heroine Gets Personal
For decades, Samus Aran has been known as one of the first female protagonists in video games, and one of the most enigmatic. Having traded
her haunted past for the solitary life of a bounty hunter, Samus finally tells her own tale in this revealing, personal story of her failings, her flaws and ultimately her motivation. Metroid: Other M is an unprecedented collaboration that blends the slick, action-packed production of the world-renowned Team Ninja development team with the game design talents of the creators of the original Metroid. Metroid: Other M is a dramatic new direction for a legendary franchise and a bold new blend between cinematics, storytelling and the besti n interactive entertainment.
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