The sequel to the quirky 2D puzzle-platformer Mario vs. Donkey Kong has been announced at E3, just in time for its release on the DSi Shop next week The rapid-fire announcement of the game just before its release next week has caught everyone by surpr...
The rapid-fire announcement of the game just before its release next week has caught everyone by surprise and marks the first appearance of Nintendo’s two biggest properties on a made-for-DSiWare title.
The game will allow players to design and build their own levels to play and share, as well as an engaging single-player mode. It’s out next week on June 8 overseas for 800 points and will hopefully hit the Aussie DSi Shop at the same time.
Overnight, Nintendo has changed the availability date and purchase methods for the Nintendo Sound Clock…
From Mario to Zelda, to Splatoon to Donkey Kong. Everything on Nintendo Music.