We havent seen it since October, but Sin and Punishment 2 has been demoed at the show with more media hitting. Sin and Punishment 2 is a strange game, considering we never got the first game on release (apart from the Virtual Console), people are stil...
Sin and Punishment 2 is a strange game, considering we never got the first game on release (apart from the Virtual Console), people are still very much hyped for it and with good reason. S&P2 puts you in the role of either Isa or Kachi. They are being hunted and it’s your goal to shoot the crap out of everything that stands in their way.
Isa and Kachi have jet packs, its from these packs that you shoot as you run and gun your way through the level. The game uses the nunchuck to move and the Wii Remote similarly is used for the pointer.
The game is out later this year. But, for now check out the screenshots below and the trailer.
Once again, it is the correct hour for Donkey Kong.
Overnight, Nintendo has changed the availability date and purchase methods for the Nintendo Sound Clock…
From Mario to Zelda, to Splatoon to Donkey Kong. Everything on Nintendo Music.