European website DS-X2 has received information about the DS Lite that places the European launch in June, earlier then the reported August by many places. Their source also claims that the DS Lite and Brain Training were pushed back to June due to th...
Now this story is starting to sound familiar as it basically the same story down here. The DS Lite currently has no date set here yet however both New Super Mario Bros and Brain Training hit in the early weeks of June. Brain Training was also pushed backed from May to June here much like Europe.
While I have no proof that DS Lite is coming here in June, if DS-X2s story of it hitting Europe in June, and the US DS Lites date coincides with the US Launch of New super Mario Bros as rumours are suggesting. I think it is a safe bet that well be seeing the DS Lite here on June 8th or June 15th
Source: DS-X2
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