D3Publisher announces Dream Trigger 3D, an arcade shoot-em-up developed by Art Co. Ltd One genre that seems to really fit the 3DS is the arcade shoot-em-up, and for some reason, aside from Star Fox 3D and Kid Icarus: Uprising there havent been many g...
One genre that seems to really fit the 3DS is the arcade shoot-em-up, and for some reason, aside from Star Fox 3D and Kid Icarus: Uprising there havent been many games announced for the system. But not anymore, as D3Publisher have just announced Dream Trigger 3D, a "completely original arcade shooter in which players use sonar to detect sound to expose colorful enemies and blast them into explosive 3D patterns". Sounds trippy. The game is set to feature over 50 hypnotising levels set to a dynamic multi-track soundtrack that changes as you shoot, dodge and fly through the 3D levels.
This is just the first title announced from a long line of titles from D3Publisher for the 3DS. Yoji Takenaka, President and Chief Executive Officer of D3Publisher, North America, had this to say about Dream Trigger 3D and D3Publsihers future 3DS releases: "We are excited to confirm the development of Dream Trigger 3D as the first of many upcoming video games from D3Publisher for the Nintendo 3DS handheld system. Dream Trigger 3D perfectly captures the system’s graphical strengths and combines it with stellar arcade shooter gameplay that new owners of the Nintendo 3DS handheld system will not be able to put down."
Dream Trigger 3D is being developed by Art Co. Ltd, who mostly deal with licensed games.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.
Predictions time once again.