In case you couldn’t get enough of the Dragon Quest goodness in your life, Square Enix has got your back. Announced earlier today was Dragon Quest Builders 2, the sequel to the 2016 sandbox adventure game featuring creatures and characters from the Dragon Quest series. The first game had a blocky art style, similar to Minecraft but not as low-res, and it looks like the sequel is keeping with that aesthetic.
Not much else is known about Dragon Quest Builders 2 yet; we don’t have a release date for Japan, or any idea if it’s coming to the West, but if the previous game is any indicator, it’s a safe bet that it will. What we do know is that it’ll feature underwater gameplay (that actually looks quite fun), some neat Mario-style cape gliding, and best of all, 4 player multiplayer. It sounds like it’s a match made in heaven for the Switch.
You can watch the short gameplay clip below:
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