Not as big as you would think.
Nintendo Japan has updated its pages for New Super Mario Bros. U and Nintendo Land with lots of new details including how many gigabytes they’ll not only take to download but also how much it’ll fill up your Wii U.
It’s good news though, both Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros U are both much smaller than Tekken Tag Tournament 2 which weighs in at 17GB.
Nintendo Land will be in comparison a mere 3.2GB, New Super Mario Bros U is even smaller at 2GB. That means both titles could easily fit on a 8GB Basic Wii U.
While the Nintendo 3DS still only has a small selection of third party titles available on the eShop, it seems in Japan at least, the Wii U will have a bunch more titles including ZombiU, Assassin’s Creed III, Ninja Gaiden 3, and of course Tekken. Nintendo Japan’s website has a helpful search function to find out all the digital download titles.
Sid's back, there's a beefy cat, a phantom hero, and a moon.
Magnets, always with the magnets.