Nintendo Australia to distribute, love their fighting games this year In a case of didnt see that one coming, Nintendo Australia has this morning sent us a press release letting us know, and in good turn letting you know that theyll be distributing...
In a case of didnt see that one coming, Nintendo Australia has this morning sent us a press release letting us know, and in good turn letting you know that theyll be distributing Dead or Alive: Dimensions this May, the May 26 to be precise.
The all-fighting, all-bouncing fighting game from Tecmo is the first time the Dead or Alive franchise has been seen on a Nintendo console. There is also a special arena inspired by Metroid: Other M where Ridley will appear. Check our impressions of the game from Japan – we had fun with it.
Dead or Alive Dimensions arrives in Australia and New Zealand, exclusively for Nintendo 3DS, on 26 May 2011. The game will retail for the usual $69.95.
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