Cricket heading to the DS thanks to Codemasters

DS owners have missed out in the Cricket action until now. Codmasters have been big on the Cricket lately and now too the DS is getting in on the action. Freddie Flintoff’s Power Play Cricket is currently under development at Fuzzy-Frog Games...


DS owners have missed out in the Cricket action until now.

Codmasters have been big on the Cricket lately and now too the DS is getting in on the action. Freddie Flintoff’s Power Play Cricket is currently under development at Fuzzy-Frog Games for the DS and will be a more of a arcade cricket game.

The game is set to have multiple gameplay modes including 20-20 and World Tour as well as Head to Head multiplayer. There are 5 cricket stadiums to play in and a full tutorial mode. The game is set for a European on August 6th, but it’ll probably head to Australia under a different name to appeal to us unwashed Aussies.

Also it seems the game will teach you to fly;

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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