Get your old N64, SNES and NES controllers out of the closet as youll soon be able to use them on the Wii. While the classic controller is cool, and works adequately for NES and SNES games, N64 games have always felt a little bit ‘off’. No...
While the classic controller is cool, and works adequately for NES and SNES games, N64 games have always felt a little bit ‘off’. Now peripheral manufacturers Innex are providing for the Wii an accessory that we all hoped was available much earlier.
Using the GameCube port on the Wii, the aptly named ‘3-in-1 Virtual Retro Adaptor’ allows gamers to enjoy Virtual Console games using the original controllers for NES, SNES, and N64. The controller will be shown off more at this year’s E3. There aren’t any pictures of the adapter yet but it shouldn’t be too complex. So far the adapter has been announced for release in the US for the price of $19.99US, but like all controllers should be region free and can be readily imported. Now to find a N64 controller with an analogue stick that isn’t wacked.
Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector, Cuisineer, Hello Kitty Island Adventure, Laika: Aged Through Blood, Overdungeon,…
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