Following in the footsteps of Gradius and Contra, Konamis legendary vampire game Castlevania will be updated as a Rebirth title for WiiWare The game appeared on the American ratings site ESRB with a description that suggests the re-make will not be dr...
The game appeared on the American ratings site ESRB with a description that suggests the re-make will not be drawn from the original 1986 NES Castlevania, but rather the Gameboy title ‘Castlevania the Adventure’ from 1989. The Gameboy title was likely chosen for its shorter length, thus being more suitable for the WiiWare audience.
So far, previous Rebirth titles have been reasonably well-received by critics. Both games were praised for their faithful recreation of their predecessor’s gameplay style, but similarly criticised for being difficult and inaccessible to gamers unfamiliar with the original games.
Hopefully, it is unlikely that the difficulty of Castlevania will be compromised just for the benefit of a few spineless video game journalists.
Source: ESRB via Gamerbytes
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.