""...I'm really a genuinely smiley, nice person. Because people think I'm fake, smiling up there."" exclaimed Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo's new Executive Vice-President to Wired about her Critically-Tolerated E3 Presentation performance. When asked about...
“”…we announce what we have that’s ready to share. And one of the things that I love so much about Nintendo that I think is certainly unique in the scope of the companies that I’ve been involved in is that we don’t release stuff until it’s perfect. And so we don’t talk about stuff until we’ve got a great degree of confidence that we’re close enough to release it. So we announce what we have.””
As for any more announcements for the 2008 Holiday lineup? “”You have seen the extent of Nintendo’s 2008 holiday lineup. Also items that we didn’t talk about yesterday, like Wario Land: Shake It. Which is a great franchise for the core. It’s Wario in all his gross wonderfulness, shaking the Wii remote, and that’s going to be tons of fun.””
Source: Wired
Sid's back, there's a beefy cat, a phantom hero, and a moon.
Magnets, always with the magnets.