Boom Blox rocks EA’s socks

Electronic Arts CEO, John Riccitiello, recently revealed some very promising news for the highly praised Steven Spielberg Wii exclusive, Boom Blox. Compared to the actual sales figures, which some regard as poor for a title backed by the famous Spielb...


Electronic Arts CEO, John Riccitiello, recently revealed some very promising news for the highly praised Steven Spielberg Wii exclusive, Boom Blox. Compared to the actual sales figures, which some regard as poor for a title backed by the famous Spielberg himself, Riccitello has gone on the record to state that Boom Blox has met “”internal expectations put forward in the inital model proposed by the team””. Would we see a Boom Blox sequel perhaps? Read the rest of Riccitiello’s comments inside. Riccitiello also commented on the ever growing debate about the Wii, the difference between core franchises and franchises aimed at a more casual audience, an area which EA have little experience in (relatively, at least – we’re looking at you Ubisoft). Riccitiello’s most telling quote from a recent report, states: –

Right now, [Boom Blox] has met our expectations internally based on the model that was put forward by Kathy [Vrabeck] and her team. It has continued to sell well – it did break into the Top Ten for the Wii.

A title like this one…Can it do several hundred thousand or a million or more units? Sure, it just has to keep selling.

Riccitiello’s revelations include the general marketing model for core orientated games, marketing the product for at least 5 months in order to drive consumers towards a “”Day One Purchase””. This comes in great contrast to a casually marketed game, which Riccitiello claims “”[they] may not force players to buy on day one, perhaps taking more care into what games make the cut.””

And to conclude, Riccitiello confirms that EA haven’t given up on Boom Blox just yet, and hopes to enjoy a steady increase in sales in time to come.

Source: Cubed3

James Mitchell

Avid gamer since I was as young as three years old when I received my first NES. Currently studying full time and consider myself a balanced gamer. Enjoy games on all systems, from all genres, on all platforms. Sometimes feels like he's too optimistic for this industry.

Published by
James Mitchell