Koji Igarashi’s Kickstarted not-a-Castlevania game sadly has been delayed until next year. IGA says this is to do with improving the quality of the game after feedback was received from the beta.
Our first announcement is that the game will now launch in 2019. The most important reason for this is to raise the quality level, especially after all the very valuable feedback from the Beta Backer Demo.
Also, the PlayStation Vita version of the game has been knifed as well.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment, but rest assured we are working harder than ever to deliver the game we all made happen together, please bear with us for a little longer and I thank you for your continued support.
We quite liked the game when we played it back at E3, but we’re happy to wait for it to be even better.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.