Its seems PC company Blizzard is considering making games for the DS, the games it has in mind are Starcarft and Diablo 2, in a recent newsletter Blizzard asked readers if they would be interested in buying these games if they came out for the DS. Fo...
For More info read the full story In a small inquiry by Blizzard, it appears that the company is indeed interested in throwing in some Nintendo DS games…
In Blizzards most recent newsletter, the company asked its readers whether they are interested in buying the strategy game Diablo II on the Nintendo DS if it would feature wireless multiplaying options. Right after this question, Blizzard continued with asking whether the readers would buy Realtime Strategy game StarCraft on the Nintendo DS.
This is good news for all RTS fans, such as myslef who have been hanging out for an announcement of Starcraft DS since we heard about the DS and its touch screen. Lets hope something comes of this survey.
Blizzard has not yet announced any plans for development for the Nintendo DS but is showing interest in the handheld business once more after its Lost Vikings and Rock ‘n’ Roll Racing on the GameBoy Advance.
Stay tuned for more details.
Police say crime syndicate has been broken up.