
BlackMilk is back with more Nintendo gear, this time The Legend of Zelda

My Nintendo points to nab too.


Local clothing company BlackMilk has tackled Super Mario, then Pokémon not once, but twice and now they’ve got the next Nintendo property in their sites. Early next week, BlackMilk will have a range of clothing from The Legend of Zelda.

So far, we’ve only got a look at one outfit, but later this week, on October 6th at 1 pm AEST, the lookbook will be revealed, and we’ll see the entire range. Then next week, the range will go on sale at 8 am AEDST on October 12th. 

If you subscribe to their newsletter, you can go into the draw to win $500 AUD in gear from them. Also, with the newsletter subscription, you can get 100 My Nintendo Platinum Points to spend on the My Nintendo Store. 

These things go quick, so check the BlackMilk site out to prepare for the frenzy

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic