Bargain Wrap Up: Metroid Other M Edition
Samus latest outing is finally here this Thursday, in a nice timely manner after the US.
Metroid: Other M is at long last out of the production cycle and here on Aussie shores, but of course, there is money to be saved. Why not have a look. There aren’t much of the pre-order bonuses or special collector’s editions here, just undoubtedly a good game (we hope, we’ll let you know when we get it too). Anyhow, enough rambling, here’s the roundup for you.
Big W – $78.46
DVD Crave – $79.95
EB Games – $98.00 (Remember to price match if you can)
GAME – $79 (Web price only, stores may accept otherwise $99) – $89.95
JB Hi-Fi – $79.00
Of course if you see anything cheaper, let us know – some of the stores catalogues are not out yet.
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