With E3 and all the distractions of Animal Crossing you may have forgotten about this one, but Mario and Luigi Dream Team Bros. is out next week here in Australia. We’ll actually get it just before the UK thanks to the time different and Japan gets it next week. America, sorry you’re unlucky and have to wait an entire month.
Dream Team Bros. plays up again the Year of Luigi with our little green capped friend getting a larger part in this game, literally. We went hands on with the game at E3 and have our impressions here.
So what about some bargains then? Well thanks to the toy sales on right now pickings are slim with regards to variety but there’s one price that stands out. Big W will have the game for $48 from next week. It’s not on their site yet and their catalog hasn’t been uploaded online but we have a hard copy with it. We’ll update the article with a working link once their site is back up.
Of course more retailers may update their prices this week. Importing it too is likely to be at least a $1 dollar cheaper. The game will also be on the eShop naturally.
Police say crime syndicate has been broken up.