Bargain Alert: Get Big Bash Boom for free with the purchase of Cricket 19


With Cricket season back in full swing, you might be wanting to step up to the crease and check out some Cricket action on the Switch. So here’s an option for you to check out.

Both EB Games and JB Hi-Fi are offering a free copy of Big Bash Boom with the purchase of Cricket 19 – on all consoles – not just the Switch.

With JB Hi-Fi you can add Cricket 19 to the cart, and then add Big Bash Boom to your cart as well and it’ll apply the discount – then you just have to wait for the delivery. EB Games’ site doesn’t seem to be as savvy so you might want to try and find them in stock at stores.

When we reviewed Cricket 19 on the Switch earlier this year we liked it, we also didn’t mind Big Bash Boom but it wasn’t without its problems. There were also problems with both games at least on the Switch, they’re expensive – and they’re digital-only. Even if you buy the “physical” version it’s just a download code in the box for both games. At least at this price point, that might seem less bothersome.

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Daniel Vuckovic
The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.
  • Silly G
    November 23, 2019 at 1:50 pm

    But that entails paying full price for Cricket 19. Both games tend to be on sale quite often, which negates any semblance of real “savings” to be had here.

    At least the PS4/Bone versions include discs, so I suppose it isn’t too bad a deal on that front, but Switch owners are screwed over. I was tempted to grab Big Bash Boom to support Aussie developers, but they’re having a laugh charging as much as they are without supplying a cartridge (and the games aren’t even that big to begin with).

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