Thinking about buying a Wii U? Big W has you covered
Big W currently have a sale on Wii U console packs, both in the Premium and Basic flavours. The Premium pack, normally with a listed price of $428, has been reduced to just $348; that is, the RRP of the Basic pack. This represents a saving of $80; enough to buy one or two new games at the same time.
Furthermore, the Basic pack lists a price of $278, down from $348. An extra $70 in your pocket is also pretty attractive.
As these items are listed under “this week’s promotions”, we can only expect to see this offer last for a few days. Furthermore, the offer is only valid when buying online.
The Premium pack includes a black console with 32GB internal storage, a charging dock for the gamepad and, of course, Nintendo Land. The Basic pack has only 8GB of storage and cuts out the dock and Nintendo Land altogether.
So, who’s picking up a shiny new Wii U in preparation for the upcoming Nintendo releases?
Thanks to Justin for the tip!
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.